Inflammation is sneaky and silent

Inflammation. It’s sneaky. It’s silent. And it might be the reason you’re not losing weight. It’s probably why you’re feeling tired all the time, and it's why most women age faster than they should. Did you know inflammation could be behind your stubborn belly fat? Those random aches and pains? Even your wrinkles? Do you know what actually causes inflammation? Here are five hidden causes of inflammation that might be sabotaging your health. I’m also gonna share with you exactly what you can do to stop it.
1. Malnourishment (Even If You Think You’re Eating Well)
You’d have to eat seven apples today to get the same nutrients your grandma got from just one! That’s because our soil is depleted from modern agricultural practices. When your body doesn't get the vitamins and minerals it needs, it triggers inflammation, making your body feel like it’s under attack.
How to fight it: Prioritize nutrient-dense, whole foods and supplement where needed! Supplementation has become critical to help fill in gaps where our foods fall short. Also, don’t eat the same foods every day, as we need to diversify our diet to get the full spectrum of nutrients needed to thrive. Nourish your body daily so inflammation can’t take over.
2. Digestive Enzymes Are on the Decline
As we age, the natural production of digestive enzymes in our body starts to decline, especially by the time we hit our 50s. Digestive enzymes are essential for breaking down food properly. Without enough digestive enzymes, the food we eat can sit in our stomachs undigested, leading to bloating, discomfort, and—you guessed it—inflammation. This not only affects our gut health but can also disrupt our body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients, making it harder to stay energized and healthy.
What you can do: Add digestive enzymes and Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) with meals to help your body break down food. This helps you absorb all of your nutrients better, including those crucial amino acids from protein while keeping inflammation low.

Staying fit and healthy
Natalie Jill
3. Artificial Light Is Wrecking Your Health
The artificial light from phones, computers, and even your home’s lighting is seriously messing with your circadian rhythm. This throws off your sleep, raises cortisol levels at night, and triggers inflammation. When your body is confused about when it’s day or night, it struggles to repair and rejuvenate—making it harder to stay healthy.
How to fix it:
Turn off all screens—TVs, phones, and computers—at least one hour before bed. Give your body a chance to wind down naturally without the interference of bright screens. Invest in a pair of blue light-blocking glasses to minimize the impact of artificial light in the evenings.
In the morning, avoid checking your phone right away. Instead, step outside and let the natural sunlight hit your eyes. This helps reset your circadian rhythm, supports healthy cortisol levels, and reduces inflammation caused by artificial lights.
Consider adding red light therapy to your morning routine. It not only reduces inflammation but also helps your body align with a more natural light cycle for better sleep and recovery.
4. Beauty Products Can Do More Harm Than Good
Did you know your skin absorbs up to 60% of what you put on it? That means those lotions, makeup, and hair products filled with chemicals aren't just sitting on the surface—they're getting absorbed into your bloodstream and causing inflammation throughout your body. Toxic ingredients can disrupt hormones, weaken your immune system, and accelerate aging.
Solution: Start reading labels like your health depends on it—because it does! Look for common harmful chemicals like parabens, phthalates, sulfates, dyes, and synthetic fragrances. These ingredients are often linked to hormone disruption, gut dysbiosis, and chronic inflammation.
You can also use apps like Think Dirty, EWG’s Skin Deep, and Yuka that allow you to scan a product’s barcode or manually search ingredients to determine if they are harmful. These apps provide ratings and explanations for each ingredient.

Digestive Enzymes
Envato elements
5. Parasites Could Be Causing Inflammation
I know, it sounds wild, but parasites might be hiding in your body right now—causing inflammation without you even knowing it! And no, it’s not just sushi or rare meat that’s to blame. Here’s the shocking part: you could actually be breathing in parasite eggs! Yep, we inhale their microscopic eggs, and these little invaders can take up residence in your gut without you even realizing it.
What you can do: Consider regular gut cleanses, and always prioritize gut health. If parasites are the cause of your inflammation, you’ll feel a huge difference after a parasite cleanse!
You don’t have to live with chronic inflammation. By addressing these five hidden causes, you can reduce inflammation, lose weight, boost your energy, and start aging optimally. Trust me, I’ve been called the Queen of Age-Optimizing, and these are some of my biggest secrets to feeling like a healthy 30-year-old—while living in my 53-year-old body!