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The Next Frontier In Biohacking



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While biohackers strive to optimize their bodies and minds through cutting-edge technologies and data-driven interventions, the next frontier in biohacking may lie in experimenting with raising our levels of consciousness. As the boundaries between mind and matter blur, could expanding our awareness and increasing our levels of consciousness be a foundation for biohacking, setting the stage for all other biohacking techniques (i.e., a meta-biohacking intervention)?

If biohacking is defined as the process of taking full responsibility for one’s health, well-being, quality of life, and longevity, then it must include the multiple roles consciousness plays in reaching our goals of transformation. As a scientist with five decades of experience, including teaching and research positions at Harvard and Yale, and, most recently, as a Professor at the University of Arizona and Director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health, I have witnessed the transformative power of consciousness in improving lives. By adding awareness of consciousness states, doing consciousness self-experimentation, and using scientific studies on consciousness from the Mainstream and Frontier science, we can bridge the gap between mind and matter thus paving the way for new, frontier interventions in the field of biohacking that are scientifically-sound. Expanding the definition of biohacking to include the role of consciousness recognizes its importance when creating optimal health, improving one’s well-being and quality of life, and increasing one’s longevity.


Multiple research studies have been conducted in this area, offering evidence to support the importance of state of mind and higher states of consciousness (such as happiness, love, joy, and/or peace) in increasing the effectiveness of certain interventions. Research conducted by my colleagues and me in this area include:

1. Psychophysiology and Biofeedback: biofeedback was used to teach people how to voluntarily control their blood pressure and heart rate. The results showed how cardiovascular biofeedback could be applied to patients suffering with high blood pressure. These findings suggest that using the mind to influence bodily functions can improve health outcomes.

2. Reducing Anxiety with Cognitive and Somatic Processes: Relaxation, meditation, and exercise techniques were applied in reducing stress and promoting well-being. The results showed how relaxation versus exercise techniques were selectively effective in reducing mental versus physical experiences of stress. These findings suggest that improving health outcomes requires a multi-level approach.

3. Energy Medicine and Consciousness: In this study, we explored how the emotional state of a Reiki healer affects the recovery of heat-stressed E. coli bacteria. The results revealed that lower stress levels in the healer significantly improved bacterial recovery, while higher stress levels not only reduced the healing effect but even killed bacteria. This highlights how emotional states can directly influence the effectiveness of energy-based treatments.

Energy Medicine and Consciousness

Gary E. Schwartz

4. Meditation, Forgiveness, and Mindfulness in High Consciousness Fields: Research with FLFE Innovations Corp. has shown that exposure to high-consciousness fields enhances meditation experiences, making it easier to enter deep meditative states. These high-consciousness fields also improve mental clarity, emotional regulation, the ability to transform negative thoughts into positive ones as well as increase self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others.

In my current role as the Director of Research at Focused Life-Force Energy (FLFE), I have come to appreciate how high quality, living foods, supplements, technological interventions, and other treatment protocols have the potential to work best in a body that is in a high consciousness state (i.e., lovingly aware, joyous, or peaceful). Similarly, a practitioner, who has a patient’s or client’s best interest at heart and is in the state of love, joy, or peace, can have a greater healing effect than a practitioner, who is in a lower state of consciousness, which can often occur due to stress or other similar factors.


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Experiment with Consciousness and Biohacking

  1. Tune into your own energy field. If you are working with a practitioner, also tune into their energy field. Our bodies have a natural capacity to be aware not only of our own state of consciousness, but also that of others.

  2. Notice your state of consciousness. Are you able to be fully present? Do you find yourself ruminating, especially focusing on negative thoughts about yourself and others? There may be lots of reasons to be in this state, but for a moment, can you take a higher perspective?

  3. If you are working with a practitioner, take a moment to ask how they are doing. If they seem distracted or stressed, you could ask to spend a minute or two together focusing on becoming more present and aware. If they seem tuned out, anxious, or not present, consider paying for the session, leaving without treatment, and gifting them a break to relax or rescheduling the session for another time.

  4. Take responsibility for your level of consciousness by striving to be in a state of love, joy, and/or peace. This may be one of the largest predictors of whether the intervention you are applying will have the greatest effects and allow you to reach your goals, improve your health and well-being, and increase your longevity.

  5. Consider regular meditation and gratitude practices.

  6. Experiment for free with a high consciousness field technology, FLFE, to see how your favorite biohacking techniques could be enhanced:


Gary E. Schwartz


I wish to thank my FLFE research colleagues Paulė Bellwood, Ph.D., Clayten Stedmann, and Jeffrey J. Stegman, B.Sc. for their assistance with this article.

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