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Taking Care of your Gut is not a Health Trend, it's Essential



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People wear hazmat suits while spraying the produce your family will soon eat. Your tap water is a cocktail of chemicals and even your lotion may be filled with toxins seeping through your skin and flowing around your bloodstream. TOXINS are everywhere and consistently attacking your gut.

On top of all that, we are all dealing with the stress of inflation, elections, losing jobs to AI, personal lives, etc.

Our world is more toxic than ever before in human history and trying to stay healthy in 2024 often feels like navigating a minefield. Yet, with the right tools and mindset, achieving optimal health IS possible. The key to this lies in the health of your GUT.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said it best – “Look to the GUT, for its where all disease begins.” He was way ahead of his time and 100% correct.

95% of your serotonin (your happy, feel-good hormone) and 80% of your nervous and immune systems LIVE in your GUT.  When those symptoms are down, your body is vulnerable to physical and mental diseases and illnesses.


It’s all about the gut.

Stomach acid is your body’s first line of defense. It’s critical. As you get older, you produce less stomach acid, and that causes 3 massive problems:

  • You do not digest your food as well, which means your cells cannot ABSORB the nutrition as well, leading to malnutrition.

  • More likely to get food sensitivities.

  • It becomes a “free entry” for stealth gut infections lurking in your food, water, air, etc., and as they get a “free pass” by your stomach because of the lack of hydrochloric acid, they end up in your microbiome and start causing damage.

Your gut is an intricate system working around the clock to protect you from harmful invaders—when it is strong and healthy. But as you can see in today’s world, your gut is under attack 24/7! The toxins, food sensitivities, and stealth gut infections you encounter daily are passing the stomach’s acid barrier, attacking the gut lining, and triggering a cascade of health issues. This process drives up inflammation, disrupts the balance of good and bad bacteria (a condition known as dysbiosis), and leads to what is commonly known as LEAKY GUT.

Learn about gut health

Dr. Daryl Gioffre

What Is Leaky Gut?

People overcomplicate the answer to “What is Leaky Gut?” However, since I am all about SIMPLE but POWERFUL, here’s my explanation: Leaky Gut is when holes get into your gut lining, allowing TOXINS to flow into your bloodstream. It’s a breach in your security system.

A healthy gut puts up barricades and properly removes toxins. An unhealthy gut lets them flow around your body, leading to countless dis-eases. The opposite of your body being healthy and “at-ease.”

Leaky Gut not only wreaks havoc on your microbiome but also has the potential to cause many DOWNSTREAM health issues deeper in your body if not addressed, including…

Signs of Leaky Gut include:

  • Bloating and digestive issues

  • Food sensitivities

  • Thyroid conditions

  • Weight gain

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety, depression, and mood challenges

  • Anemia

  • Joint pain

  • Chronic headaches

  • Skin issues

  • Autoimmune conditions


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We ALL have some level of Leaky Gut, and gut health should be a top priority—since it controls your health, happiness, and longevity.

SOLUTIONS That Get To The CORE Of Your Health Issues

Leaky gut and low stomach acid are the causes of most health issues, especially the ones that many standard doctors “just can’t figure out what’s wrong with you.”

However, YOU are in control of your health and can impact your family’s health through your strategic actions.

Below are a few ways to restore your core and win the Leaky Gut battle with my Optimal Gut Health Protocols.

Meeting fans

Dr. Daryl Gioffre

Protect Your Gut with Apple Cider Vinegar

Aging causes your body to naturally produce less stomach acid in the gut, weakening defenses against pathogens. To boost longevity and reverse this side effect of aging, drink 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in ⅓ cup of warm water, 20-30 minutes before your dinner.

HEAL & SEAL Your Gut Wall

If you have ever taken antibiotics, follow this gut healing protocol:

  1. Sovereign Silver (Bioactive Silver Hydrosol) & George's Aloe (Liquid Aloe Vera): Add 1 tablespoon of each of these into a glass and take it 3 times a day on an empty stomach. Do this for a minimum of 2 weeks. It’ll help seal and heal the gut and kill bad pathogens.

  2. MegaSporBiotic: Take two spore-based probiotics at the biggest meal of the day. This will help restore your microbiome and restore the good bacteria to your gut. These probiotics are gut-friendly, with a protective shell ensuring they survive stomach acidity to reach the gut fully intact without needing refrigeration.

For more practical ways to biohack your gut health, please follow me on Instagram and my website GETOFFYOURACID.COM

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